


Justika prevent : Ideal tonic  for spasmodic cough as well as whooping cough & symptoms of diverse Infections in respiratory  system , cold suspectible problems & smoking Cough too… Dosage :

  • Children : 1 Teaspoonful thrice a day.
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Colour CaramelComposition :

Each 5 ml. Contains

Belladonna Q 0.15 ml HPI
Bryonia album Q 0.05 ml HPI
Ipecacuanha Q 0.10 ml HPI
Drosera rotundifolia Q 0.05 ml HPI
Senega Q 0.10 ml HPI
Justicia adhatoda Q 0.20 ml HPI
Ocimum Sanctum Q 0.10 ml HPI
Mentha piperita Q 0.05 ml HPI
Ammonium muriaticum IX 200 mg HPI
Ephedrinum muriaticum IX 100 mg HPI
Syrup   q.s. HPI
Flavour   q.s. HPI
Colour Caramel   q.s. HPI
Alcohol Content   11.50% v/v HPI

Safety Information

  • Read the label carefully before use.
  • Store in a cool, dry & dark place.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.
  • Keep away from the direct sunlight.
  • Use under the medical supervision.


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